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The Changing World of Sports Team Sponsorships: A Q&A With Carrie Delaney

The Changing World of Sports Team Sponsorships: A Q&A With Carrie Delaney


The rise of brands like Old School, which provide alternative sports team apparel, is bringing about a shift in marketing, specifically ambush marketing in sports. media update's Joreke Kleynhans heard from Mscsports's Carrie Delaney about the current trends and what the future may hold. 

How TikTok Is Changing News Consumption in South Africa: A Q&A With Austin Macaskill — Coolstorybru_

How TikTok Is Changing News Consumption in South Africa: A Q&A With Austin Macaskill — Coolstorybru_


Social media platforms like TikTok are transforming global news consumption, and we were curious about its impact on a local level. To explore this, Saads Abrahams from media update spoke to Austin Macaskill, known as Cool Story Bru, a local news TikToker, to discuss TikTok and the future of news.

Can ChatGPT Replace Your PR Skills? — In 300 Words or Less

Can ChatGPT Replace Your PR Skills? — In 300 Words or Less


AI possibly replacing jobs has been the biggest topic of conversation ever since ChatGPT dropped. It has, understandably, caused some job anxiety in certain industries, including communication and PR. Joreke Kleynhans from media update evaluates whether ChatGPT and other generative AI tools can replace your PR skills.

The Future of Marketing and Corporate Affairs: A Q&A With Dr Fiona Kigen

The Future of Marketing and Corporate Affairs: A Q&A With Dr Fiona Kigen


With the rise of technology and social media, it’s normal for industry professionals to be curious about the future of marketing and corporate affairs. This is why Saads Abrahams from media update spoke to Dr Fiona Kigen, Head of the Absa Marketing and Corporate Affairs Academy, who shared her insights on the topic.

What Makes a Good News Photo? [Infographic]

What Makes a Good News Photo? [Infographic]


News photos can be fascinating. It's as if some of them just have that it factor. It might be the photographers' raw talent, but maybe they are just following a few rules to ensure that their photos are intriguing. media update's Joreke Kleynhans explains what makes a good news photo in this infographic.

How to Build a Reputation as a Thought Leader

How to Build a Reputation as a Thought Leader


Social media has made it easy for anyone to share their views on anything they're passionate about — making it more challenging to establish yourself as a credible expert. However, it's still an important factor in your PR strategy. If you want to know how to establish your reputation as a thought leader, media update's Saads Abrahams has the scoop right here!

What the POPI Act Means for Direct Marketing in South Africa: A Q&A With David Dickens

What the POPI Act Means for Direct Marketing in South Africa: A Q&A With David Dickens


The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) is a South African law that heavily influences the marketing industry, especially direct marketing. Joreke Kleynhans from media update got insights from David Dickens, CEO of the Direct Marketing Association of Southern Africa (DMASA), on the POPI Act and how it impacts South African brands and consumers.

Community Radio Versus Commercial Radio: What Is the Difference? [Infographic]

Community Radio Versus Commercial Radio: What Is the Difference? [Infographic]


Radio has been around for such a long time, and to many people it is all the same thing. However, there is a difference between a community radio station and a commercial one. media update's Saads Abrahams is breaking down the differences in our latest infographic!

Defensible Versus Indefensible PR Crises — In 300 Words or Less

Defensible Versus Indefensible PR Crises — In 300 Words or Less


There are times when PR crises should be met with serious solutions and sombre apologies, and there are times when it's appropriate to approach them more lightheartedly. This can be determined by whether a crisis is defensible or indefensible. media update's Joreke Kleynhans explains the difference between defensible and indefensible PR crises.


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