Blogging may seem like a lot of work because you need to find the style and tone that suit your brand. You also need to make sure you are writing consistently and sharing it on your social media platforms too.

Thinking about all of this as a business, you may feel that your time and money could be spent elsewhere. However, having a company blog is an effective way to drive traffic to your website and showcase your products or services.

No matter how big or small your business is, a corporate blog is a great way to grow your brand!

Keep on reading as media update's Saads Abrahams breaks down the benefits of corporate blogging.

Corporate blogging establishes authority and expertise

By having a blog for your business, you can showcase your knowledge within your industry. When a client is interested in a product or service, they are going to do some research on it — and where better than your website! Here, they can get information directly from the source that also provides the offering ... Sign me up!

In the same breath, corporations should not just copy and paste blogs from other sites onto their own website. By not sharing your own insights, it makes your business seem as if it is not reputable, trustworthy or knowledgeable.

It helps to enhance brand visibility

When you regularly post content on your blog, it gives your business increased visibility on the web. Utilising SEO keywords in your writing is a great way to bring people to your website, since doing so will help it appear at the top of search engine results.

This makes it easier for prospective clients to discover your company's website and begin their consumer journey with you.

Blogging builds relationships with your clients

The beauty of corporate blogging is that it creates a space for clients to communicate with your company.

Blogging gives a face and voice to your business. This is vital for any business to flourish — especially when you are looking to connect with the younger generation, which thrives on authentic relationships with brands and businesses.

When people engage with your blog in the comment section or on social media, it allows your audience to feel connected with your business, and this essentially helps foster a sense of community around your brand.

It drives organic traffic

Any business with a website knows that getting people on your site is possibly one of the most important components of having a website. One of the ways that you can achieve just that is through a company blog!

By consistently blogging on relevant topics and creating valuable content that is related to your brand, you are more likely to boost organic traffic to your website! The content you publish can range from frequently asked questions to trends within your industry.

Corporate blogging generates leads

Corporate blogs are a great way for businesses to generate leads. By creating all this valuable content, you can encourage readers to sign up for or subscribe to your blog so that they can receive company updates.

This works well for two reasons. One, you receive their contact details to upload to your database. Two, they will receive updates on your company, such as new products and services, any special offers, and, of course — industry insights from your blog!

Blog content can be repurposed for social media

Having a social media account for business is a must, even though creating content for your social pages can become challenging.

But fear not! Your blog can work as existing content that businesses are able to share across their social media platforms. This can then increase your engagement on your social platforms and drive traffic back to your company website.

It showcases products or services

The cool thing about a blog is that it gives businesses the ability to showcase products and services in a way that doesn't come off as "salesy".

To achieve this, you can create content such as:
  • how-to-tutorials
  • case studies
  • customer stories, and
  • FAQ.

Corporate blogging gives a competitive advantage

Not every business has a blog, so investing in a corporate blog immediately gives your brand a competitive edge!

A blog can make you an industry leader. By writing rich and informative pieces, your blog can become a go-to source for industry insights, putting you ahead of the competition!

Blogging leads to measurable results

Analytics and tracking tools can be used to determine the success of corporate blogging. By utilising these resources, companies will be able to see which blog posts are successful, who is reading them and how blogs fit into their broader marketing and sales strategies.

This helps to build on a strategy that will impact your ROI at the end of the day!

Do you have a corporate blog? Let us know in the comments section below.

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If you are thinking about starting your blogging journey, take a look at The four pillars of a great blog [Infographic].
*Image courtesy of Canva