"By placing premium video content from existing TV, Facebook or YouTube campaigns on the big screen, marketers can increase the overall reach of an existing video campaign," the exhibitor says. Ster-Kinekor encourages brand managers to consider their platform when looking to amplify their brand's campaigns.

"Cinema has always been the reach enhancer when coupled with TV," says Wayne Bishop, managing director of PHD Media. "Ster-Kinekor's most recent research proves hat cinema added to a YouTube campaign — or alternatively — to a Facebook campaign, delivers better ROI."

"Premium video offers brands the opportunity to engage with consumers," says Ster-Kinekor. The exhibitor says that this is because cinema brings advertising to an attentive audience in a 'relaxed and receptive mood'. The environment offers few to no distractions, so audiences are completely focused on the content being presented. Because they watch the entire advertisement, viewers are more likely to remember it.

For more information, visit www.sterkinekor.com. You can also follow Ster-Kinekor on Facebook or on Twitter.